I Love Documentation Driven Development (DDD)

I Love Documentation Driven Development (DDD)

Published on 14.01.2024

#The Challenge of Insufficient Documentation

In my career, the recurring issue has been the lack of adequate documentation. Often, we prioritized rushing into development over proper planning and documentation. This approach usually resulted in unforeseen problems and the need for mid-development alterations due to overlooked details.

#Introducing Documentation Driven Development

Documentation Driven Development (DDD) stands out as an effective strategy, similar yet distinct from Test Driven Development (TDD). DDD focuses more on a personal and strategic level, emphasizing the validation of ideas and plans rather than just testing code.

#Adopting a Documentation-First Strategy

To overcome these challenges, I shifted to a documentation-first approach. Before initiating any coding, I ensure comprehensive documentation is in place. This method allows for deep contemplation of the issue at hand and the development of a clear, strategic solution.

#Documentation as a Tool for Clarity and Feedback

Think of documentation as either a user’s manual or a technical document. The format is less important than the depth of theoretical analysis it contains. Such thorough documentation invites feedback from even non-technical team members, improving the usability and logic of the final product.

#The Power of Visual Documentation

Incorporating visual tools, such as mind maps for ideation or flowcharts for process visualization, can greatly enhance understanding and communication within the team.

#Conclusion: A Shift Towards Thoughtful Planning

In essence, Documentation Driven Development is more than just a methodology. It represents a paradigm shift towards detailed planning and clarity, leading to smoother development processes and more carefully crafted products.
